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Yachtsnet's archive of boat details and pictures

The following information and photographs are displayed as a service to anyone researching yacht types. HOWEVER THE PHOTOGRAPHS AND TEXT ARE COVERED BY COPYRIGHT, AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF YACHTSNET LTD. Details and photographs are normally based on one specific yacht, but could be a compilation. No reliance should be placed on other yachts of the same class being identical.  Where common variations exist, we have endeavoured to indicate this in these archive details.

Beneteau First 285

Brief details


Bènèteau, France

Like all the Beneteau Firsts the 285 is a moderately fast boat for her size, whilst retaining a comfortable cruising interior with 6' 3" headroom in the saloon. The example shown is a shallow winged keel version and has the optiuonal wheel steering, unusaual for a yacht of this size. Although she nominally has six berths she is an excellent choice for a couple looking for a modern wheel steered yacht that will go on a lower-cost mooring.


28' 9"

Sail area

447 sq ft main and genoa


24' 3"


7/8 fractional sloop


9' 10"


2 plus saloon


3' 10"




6,172 lbs


Volvo diesel


1,764 lbs



Keel type

Winged fin keel with spade rudder on small skeg

Dimensions quoted are from a 1990 Beneteau brochure - other sources may have slightly different figures.


The Beneteau First 285 was designed for Beneteau by Groupe Finot, and introduced in 1985. A total of around 450 boats were built until the design was retired in 1993. All the First series yachts were intended to be cruisers that could also be competitive in club level racing.

Three keel options were offered, a deep bulbed fin, a shallow bulbed fin, and a shallow winged keel, this yacht being the wing keel version. Most boats sold were tiller steered, but the yacht illustrated has the rarer option of wheel steering.

Ashore October 2022

Yachts seen here are no longer for sale - the data is online as a free information service for buyers researching boat types. THE PHOTOGRAPHS ARE COVERED BY COPYRIGHT, AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF YACHTSNET LTD.

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Ashore quarter
Just launched March 2024
Just launched March 2023
Saloon - Beneteau First 285 for sale

If the infill is used the forecabin berths are
6' 10" fore and aft and
5' 6" wide at the aft end

Saloon table
Saloon aft
Chart table
Aft cabin
The aft cabin berth is 6' 2" long by 4' 6" wide at the forward end
Aft cabin berth
Ashore Oct 2022
Bow detail
Deck aft
Cockpit table
Cockpit forward

Yachts seen here are no longer for sale - the data is online as a free information service for buyers researching boat types. THE PHOTOGRAPHS ARE COVERED BY COPYRIGHT, AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF YACHTSNET LTD.

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