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Yacht surveys and list of yacht surveyors

Unless you are very confident in your own knowledge of yacht construction and maintenance, it is generally wise to employ a marine surveyor to report on the boat prior to completing a purchase.  The cost of a yacht survey typically averages around £15 - £20 per foot length - different surveyors operating slightly different fee scales.  The rate per foot is sometimes higher for smaller yachts, and lowers as size increases, or there may be a minimum charge.  If the surveyor has to travel any significant distance, there will usually also be a charge for travel expenses. In addition, unless the yacht is already ashore, you as the potential buyer will normally have to pay the yard fees for haul-out, pressure washing or scrub-off if necessary, and relaunching.




East coast





In the interests of impartiality, Yachtsnet Ltd. will not recommend individual surveyors. The order of the lists below implies no recommendation.  


The list of surveyors below is subdivided by approximate geographical area, as shown on the map at right. Bear in mind however that yacht surveyors often work well outside their 'own area' - we have known a well known surveyor from Scotland survey a yacht on the Isle of Wight. Nevertheless, choosing a surveyor within reasonable travelling distance will usually reduce the fees.


There are also some specialist surveyors given here at the bottom of the list


The Southwest

Cornwall, Devon & Somerset

Marine Techniques offers Marine Surveying Solutions throughout the UK. Surveys range from full condition pre-purchase surveys, through insurance and damage surveys, to engine inspections, plus a specially tailored three boat package for buyers. Tel 0800-1488150

Hardy Marine Solutions Ltd. Nick Hardy and Rob Feloy, The Firs, Bridgetown Hill, Totnes, Devon TQ9 5BH. Tel 07786-706861 E-mail nick@yachtsurveys.co.uk

CEproof SW - specialising in the surveying of small marine craft and RCD consultancy. Pre-purchase, damage and insurance surveys, SCV coding and Boat Safety Scheme examinations. Contact Sam West in Devon on 01548-830188 or 07855-487878, E-mail: sam@ceproof.com

Christopher Berry Marine Survey, Stable Cottage, Lower Morton, Thornbury, Bristol. BS35 1LF. Tel 01454-269696 or mobile 07710-175871, E-mail chris@marinesurveyor.org.uk 

Brian Buglehole, 39 Pounds Park, Saltash, Cornwall PL12 6BT. Tel 01752-842292 or E-mail brianbuglehole@talktalk.net. Specialises in GRP and wooden vessels only.

Nick Healey, 15 Dunstanville Terrace, Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 2SW. Specialises in GRP, timber and steel using ultrasonic testing. Tel 07881-507865 or E-mail info@nickhealey.co.uk

Alpha Yacht Surveys (part of Alpha Marine Systems Ltd), Michael Horwood BSc PhD CEng. Phone/fax 01392-875558, Mobile 07906-898533 E-mail: enquiries@alphamarine.co.uk

David Cox, Halvasso Farm, Mabe, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 9BY. Tel: 01326-340808 Mobile 07970-444247 Fax 01326-340808

Julian Pizey, The Copse, Tregye Road, Carnon Downs, Truro TR3 6JH. Tel 01872-870790 or 07774-004577 E-mail pizeyyachtsurveys@honey.f9.co.uk

Will Copeland, BSc Affil YDSA, Assoc IIMS, Marine and Yacht Surveyor. Boscolla Mill, Truro TR4 9ED. Tel 01872-263544 or 07979-707100 (best contact number) E-mail yachtsurveys@btinternet.com

John Merrett IEng AMRINA  2 Belmont Villas, Stoke, Plymouth PL3 4DP. Tel: 01752-564252

Paul Kerridge, Falmouth, Cornwall. Professional marine surveys, qualified, fully insured offers pre-purchase surveys, damage and insurance surveys on sail & power yachts of GRP & FRP. Tel: 01326-316271 or 07977-269284 E-mail info@pkyachtsurveys.com

Compass Marine Surveys, 16 Fore St, Bere Alston, Yelverton, Plymouth, PL20 7AD. Tel 07714-340487 E-mail via contact form on website

Olsen Marine Surveying, Olsen Marine Surveying, The Byre, Nantrissack Farm, Trebarvah Woon, Constantine, Cornwall TR11 5QJ. Tel 01326-340277 Mob 07971-250105 E-mail via web page form

PJS Marine Surveys, Paul Sumners, based in Gloucestershire but also regularly works in Cornwall, Tel 07854-448327 or E-mail paulsumners4@gmail.com - specialises in wooden and steel/iron vessels, particularly mature vessels.

David Greening BEng (Hons) CEng MRINA AMYDSA, Shute Farm House, Higher Batson, Salcombe, Devon TQ8 8NF. Tel 01548-842000 Fax 01548-844808 Mob 07831-539470. Website boatsurvey.biz, E-mail info@boatsurvey.biz


"The first time that you see the surveyors report it can make for depressing reading and your chosen boat may sound like a complete disaster.  The surveyor has been employed to uncover points that the vendor has not mentioned and by definition they will almost certainly be negative ones.  A surveyor will only comment on the things which are wrong with the boat, not the good points......"  

from "Choosing and Buying a Secondhand Boat", by James Longman, Bowline Books  ©1990

The South

The South coast from Dorset to West Sussex

Marine Techniques offers Marine Surveying Solutions throughout the UK. Surveys range from full condition pre-purchase surveys, through insurance and damage surveys, to engine inspections, plus a specially tailored three boat package for buyers. Tel 0800-1488150. E-mail - click here for web link

Jim Pritchard BSc, CEng, MRINA, MIIMS. Website www.jimpritchard.co.uk or tel 07767-385109. E-mail survey@jimpritchard.co.uk

Simon May. Dip Marine Survey (Yacht & Small Craft). Dip YBM. Assoc IIMS. Affil YDSA. Principal Surveyor. Boatcare Ltd., Shedfield House Dairy, Sandy Lane, Shedfield Southampton SO32 2HQ Tel: 02380-015002 or 07939-208840 Email:survey@boatcareyachtsurveys.co.uk

Nick Vass, B.Sc (Exon) B.Ed, HND, IIMS, BMF. Omega Yacht Services - covers the area from Chichester to Falmouth. Tel 07702-915524 or E-mail nick@omega-yachtservices.co.uk

Tony McGrail MIMS YDSA ( Poole based ) Tel: [44] [0] 1202 718440 Fax: [44] [0] 1202 718440  Mobile: 07711 329314  E-mail mcgrailtony@yahoo.co.uk

Balfour Rossiter Ltd., Charles Rossiter B.Sc., C.Eng., MRINA, MYDSA. Yacht Surveyor, Consultant and Naval Architect. Beechwood Farm Cottage, Brockishill Road, Bartley, Southampton SO40 2LN. Tel 01202-483250 or 02380-813385, Mobile 07802-422951, Fax 01202-490164. E-mail charles_rossiter@hotmail.com

Compass Marine Surveys, 61 Marineside, Bracklesham, Chichester, PO20 8JJ. Tel 07714-340487 E-mail via contact form on website

Anchor House Marine Surveys, Rupert Keyzar - 9 Martley Gardens, Hedge End, Hampshire, SO30 2XA. Tel 07595-954882 E-mail rupert@anchorhouse-marinesurveys.com Covering the Solent, South Coast and the Mediterranean.

John Katenkamp, Cox & Haswell Limited, PO Box 5465, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2XQ. Tel 01202-881706 Mobile 07860-589609 Fax 01202-881703

Winterbothams Ltd., 1/F Acorn Business Centre, Northharbour Rd., Portsmouth PO6 3TH. Tel 02392-219255 E-mail surveyors@winterbothams.co.uk

Bill Dunlop, Marintec, Silverton House, Kings Hyde, Mount Pleasant, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 8LT.Tel 01590-683414 Mobile 07836-645577 Fax 01590-683719

Christopher Berry Marine Survey, Stable Cottage, Lower Morton, Thornbury, Bristol. BS35 1LF. Tel 01454-880055 or mobile 07710-175871, E-mail chris@marinesurveyor.org.uk 

Solent Marine Surveys, Guy Nicholls, Tel 0800-5999634 or 07845-909634 E-mail info@SolentMarineSurveys.com

Kathleen J. Kilbey & Associates Naval Architects and Marine Surveyors, based Solent and Specialist GRP, Classic and Timber Yacht Surveys since 1989. Tel: +44 (0)845 680 1989 Mobile: +44 (0)7799 686 979 Fax: +44(0)700 580 1821 E-mail info@classicboatsurveys.com Skype: kathleen kilbey

Paul Homer, Homer Marine Ltd., "Homeward", 33 The Plateau, Warfield Park, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 3RH. Tel/fax 01344-891415 Mobile 07836-224605

Edward Sawyer, Edward Sawyer Associates, Lexa House, 30 Lower Bere Wood, Waterlooville, Hampshire PO7 7NQ. Tel02392-257747 Mobile 07768-316299 Fax 02392-265413

Geoff Crutwell, BSc Hons, MSc, CEng, MMMarE, MWeldI, Protec Engineering, Pendower, 10 Belfield Park Avenue, Weymouth DT4 9RD. Tel/fax 01305-782737, mobile 07808 047100, E-mail surveys@proteceng.com 

Maritime Survey, Endeavour Quay, Mumby Road, Gosport PO12 1AH. Tel 07966-205539 or 02392-984666, E-mail steve@maritimesurvey.co.uk

Fieldhouse Yacht Surveys - Nic Fieldhouse BEng (Hons) CEng, MIMechE Affil-IIMS DipMarSur. Sussex based, covering area from Essex to Cornwall. Mobile: 07411-740789 E-mail nic@fieldhouse-yacht-surveys.com

Bill Rea, Rea Associates Ltd., Weston House, Farm Lane, Nutbourne, Chichester, West Sussex PO18 8SA. Tel 01243-371270 Mobile 07836-661574 Fax 01243-377653

Ark Surveys. Small craft and wooden ship surveyors.  Contact Ark Surveys,The Causeway, Maldon. Tel 01621-857065 or 07973-252625 E-mail arkmaldon@aol.com

Saunders Morgan Harris Ltd. The Sail Loft, Port Hamble, Hamble, Southampton SO31 4NN. Tel 02380-456555 or mobiles Hugo Morgan-Harris 07808-326914, Duncan Saunders 07866-60258 E-mail info@saundersmorganharris.com6

John Lilley & Associates, Marine Surveyors and Shipwright, timber specialist, Little Foxes, Cheselbourne, Dorset DT2 7NT. Tel 01258-837153 Mob 07963-011390 or 07501-144631 (occasionally better reception) For information go to www.seasurveys.co.uk

Maple Marine Ltd – 31 Long Reach, West Horsley, Surrey, KT24 6LZ. Tel 01483-285794 mobile 07901-550408 E-mail surveys@yachtsurveyor.eu

RP Marine Surveys, Roger Pinder BSc Hons, Assoc MIIMS, Dip.Mar.Sur., Dell Quay Yacht Yard, Dell Quay, Chichester PO20 7EE. Specialising in surveying GRP craft for pre-purchase or insurance purposes. Tel 07902-268812 or email roger@rpmarinesurveys .co.uk

John Cherry Yacht Surveys John Cherry AMYDSA, boatbuilder & Naval Architect. Pre-purchase, insurance, structural and damage surveys for GRP vessels. 24 Briarfield Gardens, Waterlooville, Hampshire PO8 9HX. Tel 02392-598084, Mob 07982-239039, E-mail john@johncherryyachtsurveys.co.uk

Anchor Marine Surveys, Northney Marina, Northney Road, Hayling Island, Hants PO11 0NH. Principal surveyor Tim Barker, Member of BMSE, YDSA. Tel 02392-469240 or 07973-836499 Fax 02392-469241 E-mail tim@anchormarinesurveys.co.uk

Yachtwork, Jim Vintner, Assoc. IIMS, 149 Satchell Lane, Hamble, Southampton SO31 4HP. Tel 02380-000280 mobile 07712-713740 or email via contact form on website

Allcraft Marine Surveys Ltd. 2 Silvretta Court, New Street, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 9BQ. Contact Steven Foy, tel 01590-673803 or 07483-228879 or E-mail steven@allcraftmarinesurveys.co.uk

George Truckell, Hillside Cottage, Head Down, Niton, Isle of Wight PO38 2NX. Tel 01983-730378 Mobile 07802-605622 Fax 01983-730378

Hamble Marine Surveys, Julian Smith, Hamble Point Marina, School Lane, Hamble SO31 4NB. Tel 02380-458478 or 07554-883606 E-mail enquiries@hamblemarinesurveys.com 

Delta Marine, Dave Mawhood AffilIIMS, based in Poole but will work generally within Europe. 13 Mill Street, Puddletown, Dorset. DT2 8SQ. Tel 07818-496032 or E-mail deltamarine@btinternet.com

BMS, 1 Hensington Close, Woodstock OX20 1LZ. Mark Wiater, RYA, I.I.M.S, YDSA & Mecal MCA Compliance Examiner and Tonnage Measurer. RCD Compliance Examiner & Consultant. Ultrasonic Inspections on Steel and Aluminium. Tel 07827-292171 E-mail: info@bmsuk.co

Adrian Stone, 57 Church Road, Gurnard, Cowes, Isle of Wight PO31 8JP Tel 07950-955767 or 01983 291681. E-mail adrianstoneyachtsurveys@outlook.com

Mark Lockie, Dorset Marine Surveys (Int) Ltd., 84 Leonards Road, Weymouth, Dorset DT4 8LB. Tel/fax 01305-772174 Mobile 07971-441214

Peter Wallis Yacht Surveyor, Greenways, Hill Road, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 2JP. Tel 01428-642479 Mobile 07932-162929 Fax 01428-643471

..... if after the first shock you read the report again you are likely to find that things are not quite as bad as you imagined....."

from "Choosing and Buying a Secondhand Boat", by James Longman, Bowline Books  ©1990

The South East

Kent, East Sussex & London

J. Stuart Burgess, Thames Survey, 12 The Halliards, Felix Road, Walton on Thames, Surrey KT12 2LB. Tel 01932-229922 Mobile 07831-407461

Ian Short, 67 Chapel Street, Newhaven, East Sussex BN9 9QD. Tel 01323-873267 or 07971-637266. E-mail ian@marine-surveys.org - website www.marine-surveys.org

Colne Yacht Surveys Ltd., 59a Chaney Road, Wivenhoe, Colchester, Essex CO7 9RR. Contact Bill Kippen Dip. Mar. Sur. (YS), Graduate Member IIMS. Tel 01206-825762 or 07908-329767, E-mail billkippen@btinternet.com

Brighton Marine Surveys, 12 Buxton Road, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 5DE, yacht and small craft surveys. GRP wood and steel. MCA coding. UK south coast and near Europe. Contact 07765-352364, E-mail info@brightonmarinesurveys.co.uk

Magellan Yacht Surveys, covering London and the south-east, also the Saronic Gulf in Greeece. 165 Island Wall, Whitstable, Kent CT5 1EE. Tel 01227-265678 or 07771-855897 or E-mail via website form

Maple Marine Ltd – 31 Long Reach, West Horsley, Surrey, KT24 6LZ. Tel 01483-285794 mobile 07901-550408 E-mail info@maplemarine.co.uk

Cetec Marine Ltd. Inland Waterway Craft, Small Craft Surveys, GRP and FRP. 7 Malet Close, Surrey, KT16 8LG. Tel 01784-456872.

Tolhurst Associates, Beacon Boatyard, Manor Lane, Borstal, Rochester, Kent, ME1 3JN. We specialise in wood and steel vessels and refit and repair consultancy, and we travel nationally. Tel/Fax: 01634-815533 Mob 07958-794082 E-mail: info@tolhurstassociates.co.uk

Isis Marine Hugh Ellacott Dip. Practical Yacht & Small Craft Surveying; BMSE. Based in the south-east but will survey boats anywhere in the UK. I regularly cover from Suffolk to Hampshire, the River Thames and London region canals. Mob. 07956-371614. E-mail hugh@isis-marine.co.uk

Joe Kershaw Yacht & Small Craft Surveys, 38 High Street North, West Mersea, Essex CO5 8JX. Tel 01206-385833 or 07770-520737 E-mail kershaw8jx@btinternet.com

William Flannery (Dip Mar Sur), Yacht and Motor Boat Surveyor, based Erith, Kent. All surveys for GRP, Wood & Steel, Boat Safety Scheme Examiner, RYA Diesel Engine Instructor. Tel 07767-755081 or E-mail via contact form on website

Marsurv, Elliot Berry, 23 Essex Gardens, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 3EJ. Tel 08445-677709 or 07500-881731 E-mail info@marsurv.com

Marine Techniques offers Marine Surveying Solutions throughout the UK. Surveys range from full condition pre-purchase surveys, through insurance and damage surveys, to engine inspections, plus a specially tailored three boat package for buyers. Tel 0800-1488150. E-mail - click here for web link

East Coast

Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk

Colin Mallard South, Dip. Mar. Sur. MIIMS. Certified Surveyor specialising in steel, wood and fibreglass, also corrosion testing and ultrasonic testing. Compass House, 100 High St., Brightlingsea. Tel 01206-307547 or 07956-490281, E-mail Mallard2@aol.com

Euro Marine Surveys Ltd., Mr Paul C Johnson BSc, IEng, MSNAME, MCMS, AMIMarEST. P O Box 1949, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. SS9 1WS  Tel: 01702-480833 Fax: 01702-480580 Mobile 0802-264498 E-mail info@euromarinesurveys.com

Brian Kennell Boatbuilders, Brian Kennell, Whitehouse Cottage, Layer Breton, Colchester, Essex CO2 0PT. Tel 01206-331212 or 07745-173908 E-mail: sallyboatsales@btopenworld.com

Guy Simmons, FMBMSE, (GMS Marine Surveys (East Anglia), Mill Lane, Felixstowe, Suffolk IP11 7RU. Tel: 07768-279866 E-mail enquiries@gmsmarine.co.uk

Marsurv, Elliot Berry, 23 Essex Gardens, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 3EJ. Tel 08445-677709 or 07500-881731 E-mail info@marsurv.com

EurIng Brian R Knight CEng, FIMarEST. Marine, Mechanical, Structural & Statutory Engineering Services, 34 Sewell Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR3 4BP. Tel/Fax: 01603-787121 Pager 01426-696937 Mobile 07760-137482

David M Cannell & Associates, River House, Quay Street, Wivenhoe, Essex CO7 9DD. Tel 01206-823337 Mobile 07860-629353 Fax 01206-825939

W.A. MacGregor, Dooley Terminal Building, The Dock, Felixstowe, Suffolk IP11 8SW. Tel 01394-676034 Mobile 07860-361279 Fax 01394-675515

Richard Thomas BA(Hons), MRINA, Medusa Marine, Foundry Yard, Hall Lane, Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex CO14 8HW. Tel 01255-674074 (eve) or 07831-160402 (day) E-mail via contact form on website

Adrian Overbury, Brown & Overbury, Limekiln Quay, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 1BD. Tel 01394-387830 Mobile 07771-675412 Fax 01394-388788

Captain J. T. G. Bowen, CEng, FIMarEST, FIED, MIMechE MCMS. Bowen Marine Associates, Tecardy Marine, Brent Way, Brentford, Middlesex TW8 8ES Tel: 01815-683693, Fax: 02088-472720 Mobile 07860-924782 E-mail john.rietvink@btinternet.com

Mr E. Hugh Lamb CEng, MIMarEST, MRINA.  HL Marine Consultant. 'Stourside' Rose Farm Lane, Shotley, Ipswich IP9 1PH Tel 01473-787346 - local surveys only.

Keith Millett, Bureau Maritime Ltd., 40 White Horse Lane, Maldon, Essex CM9 5QP. Tel 01621-859181 Fax 01621-859533

European Marine Surveys IIMS and YDSA marine surveyors. Based in Norwich, Norfolk. All types of surveys including tonnage surveys, expert witness & marine dispute/mediation. Tel: 01603-327123 Mobile 07977-481107. E-mail enquiries@europeanmarinesurveys.com

Marine Techniques offers Marine Surveying Solutions throughout the UK. Surveys range from full condition pre-purchase surveys, through insurance and damage surveys, to engine inspections, plus a specially tailored three boat package for buyers. Tel 0800-1488150. E-mail - click here for web link

AND Marine Ltd. Ian Anderson, I.Eng, IMarEng, MIMarEST, YDSA. Yacht surveys, MCA Coding, Tonnage Measurements, Cargo and ship surveys. 60 Westmorland Road, Felixstowe IP11 9TW. Tel 01394-271435 fax 07006-001079 or mobile 07852-765695. E-mail ima@andmarine.co.uk

Joe Kershaw Yacht & Small Craft Surveys, 38 High Street North, West Mersea, Essex CO5 8JX. Tel 01206-385833 or 07770-520737 E-mail kershaw8jx@btinternet.com

Steve Moffatt AssocIIMS, 6 Church Gate, High Street, Thorpe le Soken, Essex CO16 0DY. Tel 01255-863888 or 07854-226638. E-mail steve@moffattmarine.com Surveys include MCA Coding, Boat Safety Scheme examiner for inland waters craft.

Pratt Naval Architecture, The Studio, 4 Frogs Lane, Church End, Shotley, Ipswich, Suffolk IP9 1EP. Tel 01473-788077 or mobile 07765-788077 Fax 01473-788077 E-mail info@prattnavalarchitecture.com


including the Bristol Channel and Midlands

George Reohorn, Chancery Cottage, Gors Road, Burry Port, Dyfed SA16 OEL. Tel 01554-833281

Ridge Marine Surveying, Gerry Ridge B.A., BMSE, AssocRINA. Llwyn Ffynnon, Caernarfon Road, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 5YA. Marine surveys for pre-purchase surveys and Insurance purposes. Tel: 08712-379322 or 07734-169215 E-mail info@gerryridge.co.uk

Philip Watts Grad. IIMS, Bradford Cottage, Pandy, Llangeinor, Bridgend CF32 8RD. Covers South Wales and the West Country. Tel. 01656-870977. Mobile 07803-161410 Fax 01656-872707 E-mail admin@yachtsurveywales.com

David Williams, Eng. Tech. Assoc. R.I.N.A. 49 Stoneyfields, Easton in Gordano, North Somerset, BS20 OLL.  Tel 01275-373465

YSC Surveys Ltd., Penarth Marina, Vale of Glamorgan CF64 1TQ.  Pre-purchase, insurance and damage surveys on wood, FRP or steel around the UK and Europe. Simon Allan FMM MIET IEng AffMIIMS.  Contact: 07505-131304 or email via form on website.

Mark McGarry, NW Surveying Services Ltd., Ty Sul, Capel Bryn Menai, Ffordd Brynffynnon, Port Dinorwic, nr. Bangor, Gwynedd LL56 4SX. Tel 01248-671023 Mobile 07831-790413 Fax 01248-671601

Christopher Berry Marine Survey, Stable Cottage, Lower Morton, Thornbury, Bristol. BS35 1LF. Tel 01454-413556 or mobile 07710-175871, E-mail chrisberry.marinesurvey@virgin.net 

Cardiff Marine Surveyors and Consultants, Yacht and boat surveys in FRP, Steel and Wood. Appointed by MECAL for MCA coding in South and West Wales. John Julian B.Sc., M.Sc., M.R.I.N.A. 41 Wyndham Road, Cardiff CF11 9EL. Tel 07709-376588 E-mail mail@cardiffmarine.co.uk

Ben Sutcliffe Marine, Ben Sutcliffe, 67 Bryn Glas Avenue, Cwmafan, Port Talbot SA12 9LF. Tel 07796-457307 E-mail Help@bensutcliffemarine.co.uk

Kathleen J. Kilbey & Associates Naval Architects and Marine Surveyors, based Solent and Specialist GRP, Classic and Timber Yacht Surveys since 1989. based Solent and Gloucestershire. Tel: +44 (0)845 680 1989 Mobile: +44 (0)7799 686 979 Fax: +44(0)700 580 1821 E-mail info@classicboatsurveys.com Skype: kathleen kilbey

David Broatch, Hansing & Associates, Cae Gwydryn, Seion, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 3AL. Tel/fax 01248-671291 Mob 07836-507366

The North

Northwest and Northeast

Marine Surveys Ltd., PO Box 389. Northwich. Cheshire. CW8 3WY. Michael Carter & Dr. Roger Lorenz, specialising in steel and iron hull craft, also Boat Safety Scheme and RCD compliance work. Tel 07831-184495 Fax 08701-351423 or E-mail mail@marinesurveysltd.co.uk

North East Yacht Surveys, Fiona Dando, based NE England. Member IIMS. Pre-purchase, damage and insurance surveys, and valuations and damage surveys on pleasure and commercial craft. Tel: 01912-960857 or mobile 07967-049634 E-mail fiona@northeastyachtsurveys.co.uk

Nicholas George Associates, for GRP, wood, steel and aluminium construction, surveys throughout the North of England and SW Scotland. Based in Keswick, Cumbria. Tel 01768-776326 or E-mail office@nicholasgeorgeassociates.co.uk

Quest Marine Surveys, Yacht & Small Craft Surveyors, FRP & steel. AMIIMS, Boat Safety Examiners, IAMI, AYBC. Contact Duncan or Paul Rutherford, tel 07816-643804 or e-mail enquiries@questmarinesurveys.com

AC Yacht and Boat Surveyors based in the North East of England, specialising in yachts, power craft, boats and multihulls. Angus Corry, 3 Crossways, East Boldon, Tyne & Wear, NE36 0LP. Tel: 07799-596596 E-mail sales@acyachtsurveyors.co.uk

Michael Carter, PO Box 389, Northwich, Lancashire CW8 3WY. Tel 07831-184495 Mobile 07831-184495 Fax 08701-351423

Blue Star Surveys, Mike Boulton, Boat Safety Examiner and Marine Surveyor, AssocIIMS. DipMarSur. ABSE. 117 Hook Road, Goole DN14 5JT. Tel 01405-769129 or 07930-384143, E-mail info@bluestarsurveys.co.uk

Smallcraft Surveys. Contact Paul Cooke, Assoc. Certified Marine Surveyors. Private, pleasure craft surveys. GRP, Wood, Steel (Ultrasonics). 11 Moorfield Rd., Irlam, Manchester M44 6JT. Tel 07712-580429 or E-mail pwcooke@ntlworld.com

P. Cooke Narrowboat Surveys. All types of inland waterways craft. GRP, wood, steel, ultrasonics. Specialising in steel narrowboat construction. Association of Certified Marine Surveyors. Tel 01617-751716 or 07712-580429 E-mail narrowboatsurveys@btinternet.com



Pegasus Marine Surveys, based Tobermory, Isle of Mull, Argyll. Contact Donald Ortchison Bsc, Dip Mar Sur, C Eng, FIES, MIMarEST, MIMechE on 01688-302112 (tel & fax) or 07836-370806 E-mail surveys@pegasusmarine.co.uk

Murray Cormack Associates, ( Dennis Davidson, Jim Abernathy & Maitland Murray ) Old Bank House, Innellan, Argyll PA23 7TP. Tel 01369-830210 E-mail admin@murraycormack.com

John Hamilton, Coutts Caledonian Marine Services, 151 Kinghorn Road, Burntisland, Fife KY3 9JP. Tel 01592 873740 or 07713-158146

James McIlraith, Survey One Ltd., 31 Paisley Road, Renfrew PA4 8JH. Tel 01418-865210 Fax 01418-867839

Fraser Noble, McGruer Boat Builders Ltd., Clynder, Helensburgh, Argyll, Bute G84 6QL. Tel 01436-831313 or 07768-217054 Fax 01436-831919

Yachting Worldwide Ltd., 9 Biggar Road, Carnwath, Lanarkshire ML11 8HJ. Contact Patrick Keating 07780-718593 or E-mail patrick@yw-w.co.uk

DC Marine. Condition, Pre-purchase, and Insurance surveys undertaken for yachts and small craft in the West of Scotland. Contact: Donald Clark, BSc, CEng IMarEST, AMIIMS, donald@dcmarine.co.uk Tel 01700-811538 or 07799-661493

MW Marine Survey - Matthew Willis, Dip Yacht and Small Craft Surveying IIMS, Grad IIMS, Pre-purchase, insurance, damage and condition surveys - based in Argyllshire, West of Scotland, Tel 07974-190113 or E-mail via form on website

J D Wood Naval Architects are based at Tain on the Dornoch Firth, on the east coast of Scotland, provides comprehensive consultancy, surveying and design services. Contact 01862-892924 or mobile 07708-417343 or E-mail enquiries@jdwood.net

Outside the UK mainland

Northern Ireland and Eire, and worldwide

Reginald Cummins, CEng CMarEng FIMarEST, FRINA, Marine Surveyor & Consultant Engineer. 'Inismorr', 42 Main Street, Dundrum, Co. Down BT33 0LY. Tel 02843-751574 E-mail regcumminssurveyor@hotmail.com

McCollam Marine - marine surveys throughout N. & S. Ireland and UK. Joe McCollam, Affiliate YDSA, Associate Member RINA. Dalriada, Cushendall, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland BT44 0QF. Tel +44 (0) 2821-771737 or +44 (0) 7557-912520 E-mail mccollammarine@gmail.com

Shea Marine Surveyors, specialise in providing insurance and pre-purchase marine surveys on yachts and motor boats. Gary O Shea, Ballycanew, Gorey, Co Wexford, Ireland Tel: +353 (0) 871-927234

Peter Hallam Marine, 33 Millisle Road, Donaghadee, County Down BT21 OHZ. Tel 02891-883484 Fax 02891-883484

Naval Architectural Services, 179 Ghajn Dwieli Road, Paola, PLA 9054, Malta. Tel/Fax (+356) 21-688254 or mobile (+356) 99-464782 E-mail kurt.gutteridge@nas.com.mt or info@nas.com.mt

Damian Likely MSc BSC Dip Mar. Survey Assoc. IIMS. Morbihan Yacht Survey, 5 Impasse du Prat Lotten, 56450, Theix-Noyalo, France. Tel: +44 (0)7408-842287 or +33 (0)652-840396 or +33 (0)950-479638 or E-mail via form on website

Compass Marine Surveys, 16 Fore St, Bere Alston, Yelverton, Plymouth, PL20 7AD, but also works in the Canary Islands. Tel 07714-340487 E-mail via contact form on website

Kim Skov-Nielsen, IRMS, IRMC, DipMarSur, MIIMS, SAMS AMS Yacht Surveyor & Marine Consultant. Based in Southern Spain and working worldwide Mobile 34 609 891 650 E-mail kimskov@live.com

Mike Dixon, P O'Mahony & Co Ltd., Survey House, Upton, County Cork, Ireland Tel+353 21 477 6150 Fax +353 21 477 6152

Marine Survey Bureau, Paseo Maritimo 44, Local P-18 07015 Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain Tel: +34-971 403 370 Fax:+34-971 703 076   Web:  www.msb-palma.com E-mail: info@msb-palma.com

Marine Survey Bureau - Turkey Acibadem Mahallesi Yaprak Sokak, Memisoglu Apt.No: 22/5 34660 Usküdar, Istanbul, Türkiye. Tel: 00-90-(216)-428.18.40 & 00-90-(216)-428.18.41 Fax: 00-90-(216)-428.18.04 E-Mail arican@a-marinesurvey.com

BM Marine, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Peter Welsh A.M.S. , Principal Surveyor. Tel/fax 0034 871 95 26 95, Mobile 0034 637 765 107. E-mail pwelsh@bmmarine.com

Adam Brancher, Brancher Marine Australia, based in Queensland, Australia, but operates worldwide for larger yachts. Tel +61 (0) 7 4946 6456 / Fax +61 (0) 7 4946 6456 Mobile: +61 (0) 421 979 9745 E-mail adam@marinesurvey.com.au

Ian Burgoyne based in the Thames Valley and France. PO Box 26,  Oxford OX44 7WZ. Tel  07836 292659 E-mail irburgoyne@aol.com 

AAC Marine Surveyors provides computerized thermal imaging and surveys of vessels or yachts in Miami, Tampa and Fort Lauderdale Florida, USA, also worldwide. E-mail aacmarine@msn.com

Jayson Sibley Yacht Surveys, Jayson Sibley AMYDSA, ARINA, Dip Mar Sur (YS), CMI., C Claims Loss Adjusters, Apdo no 6, Playa de Muro 07458, Mallorca. Tel +34 971-891365 Fax +34 971-570211 Mobile +34 661-204755 E-mail info@jaysonsibley.com

Ian Cullingworth I.Eng AMRINA. Yacht Surveyor, sail & power, GRP, steel & aluminium. Based in Mallorca & serving the Western Mediterranean. Pre-purchase, Insurance & Damage Surveys. E-mail info@med-yacht-survey.com - website Med-yacht-survey.com

Taylor Marine Surveying & Consulting, LLC. Based in St. Augustine, Florida, USA also covers Georgia & Alabama, also worldwide. Services include pre-purchase, insurance underwriting, damage surveys, appraisals, pre-offer inspections, project oversight, compliance inspections, and consulting. Tel +1 - 904-466-0602 E-mail info@taylormarinesurveying.com

East Med Marine Survey, Marmaris, Turkey. AMS accredited marine surveyor offering a comprehensive range of surveys serving Turkey and the Med. Tel 0090 252 4123527 Mobile 0090 532 2619017 E-mail ems@ems-marinesurvey.com

Nagasa Marine Surveyors - Marine surveyors (vessel and yacht) in the south of Spain (Sevilla, Huelva, Algeciras and Cadiz). Nueva Nº 2 - 4ª 11005 Cádiz, Spain. Tel +34 956-201355 mobile 661-308499 Fax +34 956-201356. E-mail: marinesurveyors@nagasa.ws

Bodrum Marine Services Ltd., International Marine Surveyors & Consultants, PK 412, 48400 Bodrum, Turkey. Tel/Fax: +90 252 386 4130 Mobile Tel: +90 542 425 4986 E-mail bmsinfo@bms.com.tr RYA & I.I.M.S MCA Compliance Examiners, Pre-purchase & Insurance Surveys, Repairs and Refits, Marine Project Management and Consultancy.

Malta Yacht Surveys, John A. M. Ross, BScEng, Member YDSA & IIMS, Principal Surveyor, PO Box 292, Valletta, Malta. Telephone/SMS: +356 9928 9271, E-mail jr@maltayachtsurvey.com

YEXPE - Contact Frank Höller, member BMS & YDSA: yacht and small craft surveys in Spain, Portugal & southern France. C/ Virgen del Socorro 19, 7º D E-03002, Alicante, Spain. Tel +34 96 526 06 57 or mobile +34 649 170 452 (Español / English / Deutsch / Français).

Magellan Yacht Surveys, based Kent but travels at times to the Saronic Gulf in Greeece. 165 Island Wall, Whitstable, Kent CT5 1EE. Tel 01227-265678 or 07771-855897 or E-mail via website form

Interface Marine, Phil Duffy IIMS. Marine Surveyor operating France, Italy and throughout Europe. Based South of France. Tel +33 (0)4 89 80 22 99, mobile +33 (0) 6 09 17 85 45 E-mail info@interfacemarine.com

MICS Ltd - Malta. Yacht Surveys and Naval Architecture, Nautic '53, Triq L-Ortolan, San Gwann, SGN 1943, Malta. Tel +356 99 423298 Fax +356 21 384724 E-mail info@micsltd.org

Karamalis & Associates, Yacht surveyors based in Athens, Greece. Tel: 0030 210-9851207 Fax 0030 210-9851105 or mobile 0030 6944735337. E-mail karamalis@hol.gr

BMS, 1 Hensington Close, Woodstock OX20 1LZ. Turkish representative Akan Dumrul, RYA, I.I.M.S, YDSA & Mecal MCA Compliance Examiner and Tonnage Measurer. RCD Compliance Examiner & Consultant. Ultrasonic Inspections on Steel and Aluminium. Mobile: +90 (0)532 335 0527 E-mail akan@bmsuk.co

Specialist services

A variety of specialist survey-related services

Anthony Tucker, Tucker Designs, 15 Wrensfield, Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP1 1RN. Tel 01442-253775 Fax 01442-236928. Specialises in ferrocement (design & survey) and steel (design).

Ace Marine of Limekilns, Fife, Scotland, offer a variety of services including stability assessment. Tel 0845-2260954 or fax 0845-2260954, mobile 07931-517906. E-mail info@acemarine.co.uk

This list is not intended to be comprehensive, and is provided only as a suggestion to clients. Selection of the surveyor by the client is at
the Client’s ultimate discretion. Any surveyor or survey company wishing to be included on this list should .

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